Montessori Methodology


In recent years, the Montessori methodology has gained enormous popularity. It's enough to browse social media or visit a toy store to find products labeled as "Montessori." However, are they really Montessori? In many cases, the term is used as a marketing hook, detached from the original principles established by Maria Montessori.

It’s important to remember that Montessori is much more than an aesthetic design or a pretty toy. It’s an educational philosophy backed by research, promoting the child's holistic development. However, in a world where "Montessori" sells, we must maintain a critical attitude and discern between what truly follows the methodology and what doesn’t.

Moreover, although Montessori is one of the most well-known methodologies and personally one of my favorites, it’s not the only option. In the field of early childhood education, there are many valuable approaches, such as Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and project-based learning. Every family, educator, and, most importantly, every child, has unique needs and contexts. Opening ourselves to different educational approaches allows us to enrich our practice and offer the best to the little ones.


Montessori is based on respect for the child’s developmental stages and their innate ability to learn through active exploration. Some of its key principles include:

  • The prepared environment: Spaces designed to facilitate autonomous learning.
  • Freedom within limits: Children choose activities within a structured framework.
  • Individualized learning: Each child progresses according to their own pace and level of interest.

According to a recent study, this approach fosters skills such as self-regulation and concentration, which are essential for emotional and academic development (Lillard & Taggart, 2019).

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Various studies have shown that the Montessori methodology not only enhances academic performance but also supports the development of social, emotional, and problem-solving skills:

  1. Cognition and creativity: Montessori children tend to exhibit superior critical and creative thinking, partly due to their exposure to materials designed to stimulate independent learning (Culclasure et al., 2020).

  2. Socio-emotional skills: By promoting cooperation and mutual respect, this method fosters an environment where children develop empathy and teamwork skills (Rathunde & Csikszentmihalyi, 2005).

  3. Self-regulation: The freedom within limits characteristic of Montessori contributes to the development of self-control and decision-making skills (Lillard, 2017).

  4. Long-term success: A longitudinal study found that Montessori alumni excel in skills such as time management and conflict resolution in adulthood (Dohrmann et al., 2007).


In the classroom:

  • Structured Environment: Divide the space into specific areas (practical life, sensory, mathematics, etc.) and use furniture adapted to the children's size.

  • Specific Materials: Introduce resources such as the pink tower, golden beads, or puzzle maps to encourage active learning.
  • Role of the Adult: Rather than teaching, the guide observes, facilitates, and respects individual learning processes.

At Home:

  • Adapted Spaces: Create an environment where children can access everyday items, such as low shelves or small kitchen utensils.
  • Simple Activities: Carry out practical life exercises, such as sorting clothes or setting the table, that promote independence. (In the case of kitchen utensils, there are options designed to ensure they are safe for children.)
  • Respect for the Child's Time: Avoid unnecessary intervention and allow the child to experiment, make mistakes, and learn.


The Positive Impact of Montessori Education Has Been Documented:
  • Lillard and Taggart (2019): They found that children in Montessori programs show more balanced socio-emotional development and less anxiety compared to other educational models.
  • Culclasure et al. (2020): They demonstrated that Montessori students tend to perform better in tasks that require logical reasoning and creative problem-solving.
  • Dohrmann et al. (2007): They concluded that this methodology has sustainable positive effects on both cognitive and non-cognitive skills.

However, like any methodology, it is also essential to reflect on its limitations:

  • It may not be accessible for all socioeconomic contexts.
  • Its incorrect implementation can lead to misunderstandings about its objectives.
  • It does not always address the specific needs of all children, especially those who require more structured approaches or specific interventions.

An Education Based on Reflection 馃挕

Montessori is a wonderful methodology that can transform the way children learn and grow. However, we must not fall into the trap of idealizing it blindly. As educators and families, our responsibility is to research, experiment, and, above all, respect the individuality of each child.

What do you think about the Montessori trend?


  • Culclasure, B., Fleming, D., Riga, G., & Xu, Y. (2020). Exploring Montessori education outcomes in public and private schools. Journal of Montessori Research, 6(1), 24-39.
  • Dohrmann, K. R., Nishida, T. K., Gartner, A., Lipsky, D. K., & Grimm, K. J. (2007). High school outcomes for students in a public Montessori program. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(2), 205-217.
  • Lillard, A. S. (2017). Montessori: The science behind the genius. Oxford University Press.
  • Lillard, A. S., & Taggart, J. (2019). Pretend play and Montessori education. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(3), 419-437.
  • Rathunde, K., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2005). Middle school students' motivation and quality of experience: A comparison of Montessori and traditional school environments. American Journal of Education, 111(3), 341-371.


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